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Non-IgG Antibody Developability Improvement

The frontier of biotherapeutic innovation is witnessing a strategic shift toward specialized immunoglobulin formats, with emerging focus areas centering on IgA, IgD, IgE, and IgM optimization. These non-canonical antibody isotypes are commanding renewed scientific attention as molecular engineering breakthroughs unlock their distinctive mechanisms in mucosal immunity, allergic response modulation, and multi-valent antigen recognition.

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Selective IgM Deficiency - Unraveling the Complexities of a Rare Immune Disorder

Selective IgM deficiency (SIgMD) is a rare type of dysgammaglobulinemia, marked by an isolated low level of serum immunoglobulin M (IgM). In adults with primary SIgM deficiency, there is often an association with autoimmune diseases and malignant neoplasms. Children, on the other hand, frequently present with severe, life-threatening infections.

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Strategies to Enhance IgM Affinity and Specificity - Mechanistic Approaches and Technological Advances

Immunoglobulin M (IgM), the first antibody produced during an immune response, plays a pivotal role in neutralizing pathogens and activating complement pathways. However, its inherently low affinity and polyspecificity often limit its therapeutic and diagnostic applications.

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The Crucial Role of IgM in Parasitic Infections - Structure, Function, and Research Advances

Immunoglobulin M (IgM) stands as a pivotal antibody within the immune system, constituting one of the five principal classes of immunoglobulins. As the largest immunoglobulin, IgM exhibits remarkable affinity and multivalency. It takes the lead in being generated during the primary immune response and plays a crucial part in the early stages of infection.

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Unlocking the Mysteries of Parasite Infections with IgM Detection - Advantages vs. Limitations

IgM detection is a valuable diagnostic tool used for the identification of parasitic infections. Due to its ability to detect infections in their early stages, it has become a standard method in many clinical settings. However, while IgM testing offers significant advantages in diagnosing parasitic diseases, it also has inherent limitations that need to be addressed.

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Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Diagnosis - What You Need to Know About IgM and IgG

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a widely existing DNA virus, and infection rates vary among different groups of people. For example, in immunocompetent adults, CMV infections are usually asymptomatic or manifest only as mild flu-like symptoms.

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Helicobacter pylori IgM - A Key Marker for Early Infection Detection and Diagnostic Advancements

Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a Gram-negative, spiral-shaped bacterium measuring 2.5–3 µm in length. It is a key pathogen responsible for 80%–90% of B-type gastritis cases and is strongly associated with peptic and duodenal ulcers. This bacterium has also been linked to gastric malignancies, making its timely diagnosis critical for patient management.

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Treponema Pallidum IgG/IgM Antibody Testing in Syphilis Diagnosis and Management

Treponema pallidum, the bacterium responsible for syphilis, is a spirochete that causes a range of clinical manifestations. This infection progresses through various stages, with different clinical and immunological characteristics at each stage. Testing for IgG and IgM antibodies to Treponema pallidum is a cornerstone in diagnosing syphilis, tracking its progression, and monitoring treatment outcomes.

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Comprehensive Insights into Hepatitis B Core Antigen IgM Antibody Testing

Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is one of the five major hepatitis viruses, along with hepatitis A, C, D, and E viruses. These viruses are the leading causes of hepatitis infections worldwide. HBV is a DNA virus transmitted through blood and other bodily fluids, such as vaginal secretions.

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The Critical Role of IgM in Diagnosing Mycoplasma pneumoniae Infections

Mycoplasma pneumoniae is recognized as one of the most common atypical pathogens causing pneumonia, particularly among school-age children and adolescents. The clinical presentation ranges from asymptomatic respiratory infections to severe pneumonia, with hallmark symptoms including a persistent cough without nasal discharge.

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Understanding Cardiolipin IgM Antibody - A Comprehensive Resource

Cardiolipin IgM antibody refers to an autoantibody targeting cardiolipin, a critical phospholipid found in cell membranes and blood platelets. This antibody disrupts normal blood clotting mechanisms by attacking cardiolipin, leading to an increased risk of thrombotic events and bleeding complications.

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Summary of IgY Antibodies Isolation and Preliminary Purification Techniques

IgY antibodies are immunoglobulins derived from the egg yolks of birds, functioning similarly to IgG antibodies in mammals. Found in the serum and egg yolks of birds, reptiles, and amphibians, IgY has a distinct molecular structure, lacking the Fc fragment that binds to mammalian complement or Fc receptors. This feature reduces non-specific reactions, making IgY highly specific and advantageous in research. IgY antibodies hold significant value in biomedical research, particularly as an alternative to traditional mammalian antibodies. They are produced by immunizing hens with antigens, followed by antibody extraction from the egg yolk, offering a cost-effective, non-invasive, and sustainable production method.

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Summary and Comparison of IgM Antibody Purification Methods

In antibody purification, Protein A and G chromatography methods have been established as indispensable for IgG purification. However, their limitations have become evident when applied to IgM. This article provides an overview of IgM purification processes, highlighting the procedures, advantages, and limitations associated with each method.

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The Changing Treatment Landscape of IgA Nephropathy Over the Past Half Century

The IgA nephropathy was first described by French scholar Jean Berger in 1968, marking the beginning of scientific exploration in this field. Today, after more than half a century of arduous exploration, significant progress has been made in understanding both the pathogenesis and treatment methods of IgA nephropathy.

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The Coordinated Role of IgG and IgM in Coating Gut Bacteria in the Absence of IgA

The gut serves as the largest interface for interaction between our body's indigenous microbes and the host immune system. Maintaining a distinct separation between microbes and adjacent tissues is crucial for sustaining a non-inflammatory homeostasis state in the human body.

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IgA Antibody Drug Ejects Problematic Proteins from Cancer Cells

Antibody-based therapies have marked a significant advancement in cancer treatment, offering targeted approaches to combat malignancies. Traditionally, these therapies have focused on extracellular proteins associated with cancer cells, leaving intracellular oncoproteins, which play a pivotal role in cancer progression, largely unaddressed.

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The Novel Role of IgA Antibodies in the Fight Against Malaria

IgA, or immunoglobulin A antibody is well documented for its crucial role in defending against mucosally acquired pathogens. However, its specific function in immune responses to non-mucosal pathogens such as Plasmodium falciparum, the causative agent of the deadly malaria, remains unclear despite IgA being the second-most abundant antibody class in the bloodstream.

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The Immune Landscape of IgA Induction in the Gut

Secretory Immunoglobin A (SIgA), the primary form of immunoglobulin A (IgA) in the mucosal immune system, plays a vital role, not only in fighting infections but also in protecting mucosal surfaces from toxins and environmental factors. SIgA's role is essential for balancing the coexistence of the immune system with microbial communities within the body.

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Discovery of Anti-Mesangial Autoantibodies Redefines the Pathogenesis of IgA Nephropathy

IgA Nephropathy (IgAN) is the most common primary glomerulonephritis, characterized by the accumulation of Immunoglobulin A (IgA) in the glomeruli - the tufts of capillaries filtering blood in the kidneys. In the advanced stages of the disease, IgA deposition within the glomeruli compromises kidney function, leading to kidney failure in 30% to 40% of cases.

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Difference Between Protein A/G/L

Affinity chromatography is a chromatographic technique that uses the specific affinity between biomolecules for separation. Specifically, affinity chromatography involves immobilizing a ligand on an inert carrier, and the target protein in the mixture is specifically bound to the ligand and thus captured, while the extraneous impurity components are washed off with the mobile phase...

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Non-IgG Antibody Drug Conjugate

Non-IgG Antibody Drug Conjugate (non-IgG ADC) is a novel drug combination that combines antibodies specifically targeting specific proteins or cell surface markers with potent cytotoxic drugs, thus providing highly targeted and effective treatments for certain cancers. Traditionally, ADCs have been designed using immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies...

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Allergen Immunotherapy (AIT)

Allergen immunotherapy (AIT) is the only effective treatment for allergic diseases that induces immune tolerance while reducing symptoms in patients with asthma and allergic rhinitis (AR). The principle of this therapy is to reduce the symptoms of allergic diseases by inducing tolerance to allergens...

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What Factors Affect the Production and Secretion of IgE

Immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies are synthesized and secreted into the blood and tissues by B cells, and the regulation of their production and secretion is mediated by T cells. When specific allergens, such as pollen, mold, and dust mites, enter the body, the body's immune system stimulates T cells to produce and secrete the cytokines IL-4 and IL-13...

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B-1 Cells that Produce IgM Antibodies

B cells that produce IgM antibodies play a significant role in immune responses. These cells include B-1 cells and B-2 cells, which produce different types of IgM antibodies and function in different mechanisms with target organs...

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B-2 Cells that Produce IgM Antibodies

Cells are important immune cells that produce antibodies. Based on their different origins and functions, B cells can be divided into two types: B-1 cells and B-2 cells. B-2 cells are classical B lymphocytes that mainly exist in peripheral blood and lymphoid organs...

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Clinical Implications of Non-IgG Antibodies in Transplant Rejection

Organ transplantation provides an avenue for patients with end-stage organ failure to regain health and improve their quality of life. However, transplant rejection, characterized by the recipient's immune system attack on the donor organ remains a constant threat. Antibodies produced by the recipient's immune system are key players in this process...

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Non-IgG in Autoimmune Diseases: Pathogenic Contributors or Protective Allies?

Autoimmune diseases are conditions in which the body's immune system mistakenly attacks its own cells and organs. To understand autoimmunity, it is vital to understand the role of antibodies. Usually, antibodies are proteins produced by the body to combat invaders such as viruses and bacteria. But, in autoimmunity...

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The Role of IgM Antibodies in Pathology

Antibodies, also known as immunoglobulins, are crucial proteins produced by the immune system. They play a vital role in combating pathogens. When it comes to pathology, IgM antibodies are significant in disease conditions like infections, autoimmunity, and tumors...

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IgA Nephropathy - An Underestimated Kidney Disease

IgA Nephropathy, also known as Berger's Disease, is perhaps one of the most underestimated chronic kidney diseases. Characterized by the buildup of a specific antibody – Immunoglobulin A (IgA) – within the kidneys, this condition often goes unnoticed until it has advanced significantly...

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IgM Antibodies for Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Breast cancer is a prevalent malignant tumor among women, and early detection plays a pivotal role in treatment and outlook. Presently, mammography serves as the primary screening technique...

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T Cell Dependent IgA Class Switching

Immunoglobulin A (IgA) is a class of antibodies that play a major role in the immune function of mucous membranes. This class of antibodies is primarily produced in the gut, the largest immune organ in the body...

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T Cell Independent IgA Class Switching

Immunoglobulin A (IgA) is a type of antibody that plays an essential role in the immune function of mucous membranes. The production of IgA involves a process known as class-switch recombination (CSR)...

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The Crucial Role of IgA in Gut Health

The human body and the gut microbiota share a symbiotic relationship, together creating a complete ecosystem within our intestines...

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Involvement of Nitric Oxide in IgA Synthesis

Nitric oxide (NO) is a free radical molecule expressed in some dendritic cells (DCs) and related cells in the intestine and involved in intestinal immunoglobulin A (IgA) synthesis...

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Mechanism of IgM Polymerization

Immunoglobulins play a vital role in our immune system, where their main job is to identify and neutralize foreign substances such as bacteria and viruses...

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Role of Dendritic Cells in Intestinal IgA Production

Dendritic cells (DCs) play an important role in the gut as a specialized class of antigen-presenting cells with the dual function of inducing self-antigen tolerance and non-self-antigen immunity...

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The Glycobiology of SIgA - Microbiota Interactions

In the field of biology, the study of microbial-host interactions is a challenging and innovative task. One such area under investigation is the glycobiology of microbiota interactions...

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IgE and miR-486A-5p: Potential Therapeutic Targets for Cardiac Fibrosis

Cardiac fibrosis is an integral part of many heart diseases. Characterized by an excessive deposition of the extracellular matrix (ECM) within cardiac interstitial spaces, it exacerbates the passive stiffness of the myocardium leading to progressive heart dysfunction...

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Molecular Mechanism of IgM Recognition by FcμR

Immunoglobulin M (IgM) is a crucial player in the early phases of our immune response and happens to be one of five immunoglobulins found in our bodies...

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The Evolutionary Mechanisms of Hijacking IgM in Plasmodium falciparum

Malaria remains a significant public health issue worldwide. According to the World Health Organization, around 241 million people contracted malaria globally in 2020, resulting in approximately 627,000 deaths...

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The Mechanisms and Implications of IgM-mediated Pseudoallergy for Drug Delivery

Pseudoallergy refers to hypersensitivity reactions that resemble allergic reactions but are not mediated by IgE antibodies. Instead, they involve activation of the complement system, especially via IgM antibodies...

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An mRNA-based Expression of IgA Monoclonal Antibodies to Prevent Bacterial Infections

A pioneering study recently published in the Cell Reports Medicine, has demonstrated a groundbreaking approach to fighting bacterial infections...

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Discovery of Fish IgM Structure Sheds Light on Polymeric Antibody Evolution

Antibodies, protective proteins produced by the immune system, play a critical role in the identification and elimination of unwanted substances or antigens within organisms...

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The Beneficial Role of IgE in Host Defense against Bee Venom

While allergic reactions are often associated with discomfort and hassle, researchers from Stanford University have found that they might not be as unnecessary as perceived in the past...

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