Ovarian Carcinoma

Non-IgG isotypes become an alternative to IgG used for the treatment of the tumor. Moreover, Non-IgG isotypes may have greater advantages in tumor treatment compared to IgG isotype. Creative Biolabs, a world-leading service provider in the field of non-IgG antibody development, is very proud of providing high-quality non-IgG antibody development services.

Introduction to Ovarian Carcinoma

Ovarian cancer is a type of cancer that develops in or on an ovary. In the early stages, there may be no or only vague symptoms. As the cancer progress, symptoms become more noticeable. These symptoms may include bloating, abdominal swelling, pelvic pain, and loss of appetite, among others. Common areas to which cancer may spread include the lining of the abdomen, lymph nodes, lungs, and liver. Ovarian cancer is the fifth most common cause of cancer deaths in women. Currently, a number of IgG antibodies are developed and applied for the treatment of ovarian cancer. However, studies have been indicated IgG antibodies are more suitable for the treatment of blood malignancies but not quite fit for solid tumors such as ovarian cancer treatment. Hence, scientists start to pay more attention to the development of non-IgG isotypes for solid tumors treatment.

Fig.1 Schematic representation of the monoclonal antibody targets for ovarian cancer.Fig.1 Targets for antibody treatments in ovarian cancer.1

Non-IgG Antibodies for Ovarian Carcinoma Treatment

  • IgM antibodies

IgMs, one of several forms of antibodies, are the large polyvalent antibodies which are the first antibodies generated in response to an antigen in the body. This antibody can bind to many antigens simultaneously and can quickly clear antigens from the bloodstream during the early stages of an infection. Actually, the anti-tumor effects of IgM antibody might be traced back to 1909 by Paul Ehrlich. Recent studies have revealed the important role of both natural IgM and adaptive IgM in pathogenic microorganism elimination but also carcinomas inhibition. A recombinant IgM monoclonal antibody encoded by human VH4-34 heavy chain gene has been shown direct antibody-mediated cytotoxicity on epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) tumor both in vitro and in vivo.

Fig.2 Immunofluorescence staining showed the binding of IgM to EOC tumor.Fig.2 IgM binds to EOC tumor.2

  • IgE antibodies

IgE is a type of mammal antibody secreted by plasma cells responsible for natural defense against parasites such as helminths. Recent studies have shown that IgE isotype may have greater efficacy than IgG in targeting solid tumors such as ovarian carcinoma. Compared to the IgG class, IgE binds to its receptors (FcεRI) with higher affinity. What’s more, IgE receptors are present on the macrophages, mast cells, and dendritic cells in the peritoneal cavity where ovarian cancer spreads. This suggests IgE may have stronger retention and longer antitumor immune surveillance in ovarian carcinoma treatment.

Non-IgG Antibody at Creative Biolabs

As a pioneer in the field of non-IgG antibody development, Creative Biolabs is more than pleased to provide the all-direction, first-class, and customer-focused services of the development of non-IgG antibody targeting ovarian cancer based on the diverse technology platforms (hyperdoma, phage display, and antibody engineering, etc.) We believe our products and services are able to solve any problems in your project. Please feel free to contact us for more information.


  1. Bax, Heather J., et al. "Therapeutic targets and new directions for antibodies developed for ovarian cancer." MAbs. Vol. 8. No. 8. Taylor & Francis, 2016. Distributed under Open Access license CC BY 3.0, without modification.
  2. Chen, Yi, et al. "Ovarian carcinoma glyco-antigen targeted by human IgM antibody." Plos one 12.12 (2017): e0187222. Distributed under Open Access license CC BY 4.0, without modification.

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